Two things are freezing this January: the river (finally), and grade 12 students whenever they think about the expectations placed on them for the coming year.
Category: 2015-16 Page 4 of 5

Living in residence was one of my top highlights of my first year at CMU! Being from out of province, I was nervous that I might get a little lost in the craziness of things in my first year, but being in residence gave me the support and care that I needed in order to properly succeed in school as well as successfully transition from moving away from home to being a more independent person.

I often find myself wondering in moments of stress, why am I in school? I begin to daydream about traveling around the world and going on exotic adventures. Seriously, why am I here studying in Winnipeg? This is usually when my parents’ voices start to kick in: “But what about your future, Emilie?” Three things generally come to mind when I think of this question: getting a Bachelor of Arts (BA) can help me build a basic knowledge of diverse subjects; it will open doors and present me with opportunities to benefit my future; and it gives my soon-to-be employers confidence that I am credible and self-motivated.

Esther Derksen
Most of the science students at CMU are asked: “Why do you go there? What does CMU offer?” Third Year Arts & Science major, Esther Derksen believes that her time at CMU has enhanced her understanding of the human experience and expanded her scientific worldview.

Many Outtatowners that enter the program don’t fully know what they are getting themselves into. Although some people in my group had gathered more information than others, nobody can truly prepare you for a life changing experience. This is what Outtatown was for me, a life changing experience. I could say many things about how great my Outtatown experience was, like the community, the adventures, and of course the food, but I’ll stick with the most influential part of my experience and how it has shaped how I see the world today.