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Leadership Scholarship

Liam Kachkar (in the blue shirt) with Outtatown in Burkina Faso last semester

Liam Kachkar (in the blue shirt) with Outtatown in Burkina Faso last semester

Applying for scholarships is tedious work. It can feel like submitting a lottery ticket: what are the chances of actually winning? Students can feel discouraged because the chances of being chosen seem slim. As scholarship “investors,” the return on our investment feels low. But is it really?

I began applying for scholarships in grade ten, but I tended to apply at the last minute and was not very invested in the work. I was happily surprised to earn $250 for a paper, but I focused more on the disappointment of my other applications not being successful.

My attitude toward scholarships began to change in grade 12. I was eligible for way more scholarships than all of the former years combined, so I took the work of applying more seriously. I talked to teachers for help, looked for scholarships on my own, and applied before the night it was due… usually!

I applied for one of CMU’s scholarships in early 2016. I was planning to do Outtatown and then CMU, so I decided to apply for both Leadership Scholarships. My mentality for applying was that of a lottery ticket gambler: I’ll put in this ticket (the essay and references) and if the stars align, I’ll get it. To my surprise, I became the recipient of both the CMU Leadership Scholarship and the Outtatown Leadership Scholarship!

Winning this scholarship has changed my view of scholarships in general. Apply for the scholarship, even if it seems unlikely that you’ll get it. Every one of you has a unique story and view of the topic proposed by a certain scholarship; even if your idea is similar to another applicant, who’s to say your essay won’t be better? I once heard the story of a guy who applied for a women-only scholarship, and because he was the only person that applied, he got it!

Whenever I doubt my chances of receiving a scholarship, I think back on that story. What if I am the only person who applies? The donors who offer scholarships want students to apply. My advice is go and apply, even if it feels like you’re applying for the lottery. You never know; your writing might be exactly what the donor is looking for!

Check out a full list of incoming student scholarships you can apply for here. And don’t forget: the deadline is February 28!

Guest blogger Liam Kachkar is a first year Business student.

Taking some stress off the money conversation


Money. It’s one of those topics I like to avoid as much as possible, but I tend to stress out about the most. Tuition, rent, textbooks, food; it adds up so quickly!

Here’s the good news: there are ways to get money in order to pay for university! Financial aid has been key to helping me pay for university, and every bit of money helps to make university a little more affordable. Here’s a quick run down of the differences between some of these kinds of financial aid.

1) Scholarships:

CMU scholarships are awarded to students based on achievements and grades. For example, there are entrance scholarships awarded based on your average from high school, and if you keep high grades through university, you also receive “Academic Excellence Scholarships.” Some scholarships are for achievements other than academics, such as leadership.

I received the leadership scholarship at CMU, which is given to students who are involved in leadership in their communities. Receiving this scholarship was one of the things that helped my decision to study here. I felt that by supporting me financially, there were people who believed in my abilities and thought that I could make a positive contribution to the community here.

2) Bursaries:

Bursaries are given based on financial need. They may or may not have other academic requirements, but are primarily based on your financial situation. These can be given from CMU or from an external organization.

3) Grants

One grant that I’ve received is the Church Matching Grant. My church has generously given me financial support, and in response to this generosity, CMU matches the money they have given, up to $500 a year.

4) Student Loans

Student loans come from the government. The best part is, unlike a regular loan, they are interest-free while you are in school. Additionally, you only have to start repaying them 6 months after you finish school.

5) On- Campus Jobs

CMU has a lot of on campus jobs that students can apply for in September, which is a great way to make some money while in school. This means working up to hours a week on campus, doing dishes, vacuuming, live-streaming, or working with the Enrolment Department.

Although money can feel overwhelming, there are ways to make it more manageable. There are many different scholarships, grants, and bursaries offered through CMU, nonprofit organizations, and businesses. Some of the best advice that I ever heard is, even if you don’t think you are eligible for a scholarship, just apply! There are people that want to give money 🙂


Winter cycling: Brilliant or insane?


Former student Matt Veith cycles across campus

As an international student used to 20-plus weather almost year round, winter cycling sounded like torture to me. Why would anyone in their right mind spend extra time on icy roads and freezing temperatures?

My curiosity led me to connect with some CMU cyclists who commit to getting on their wheels even in the worst days of winter. Marika Veith, a third year Social Sciences student, and Dan Epp-Tiessen, Associate Professor of Bible, ride year round. They shared with me some of the motives that keep them cycling.

Marika explained, “I feel more independent when I am biking as opposed to other forms of transport. I am always late to the bus and in many ways I actually have a more dependable form of transport when I bike. I have CMU’s bike co-op where I can keep my bike and use tools. It takes away some of the overwhelming power that winter has over me. Coming from somewhere warm, winter feels debilitating. When I winter bike, it feels like I am leaning into it and accepting what winter is and not being afraid of it.”

I can relate to Marika’s experience because navigating the city during the winter months via public transit is often frustrating. That’s right — I, the South American, have become one of those winter cyclists. After a couple of bruised elbows and some trial and error, I navigate Winnipeg roads at -20 degrees.

While both Marika and I both enjoy the increased independence of winter cycling, others cycle for different reasons.

Dan explains why he cycles in winter: “I am committed to caring for God’s creation, so I try to drive as little as possible and use as few fossil fuels as possible. Enjoying fresh air and exercise and a 30 minute bike ride is a great way to begin and end the work day. Hopping on my bike in the morning and getting some vigorous exercise is much warmer and more convenient than waiting at a bus stop. Years ago, I read a devotional that encouraged readers to do at least one difficult task each day so that when life becomes challenging we will have some resilience and toughness. Winter biking is one way in which I maintain some physical and mental toughness.”

Winter cycling is a way to connect and embrace the city in a unique way. It has the ability to shift how we experience winter and creates room for conversations around environmental concerns. It also requires boldness and hard work. The community of cyclists, although they winter cycle for a variety of reasons, are happy to come alongside new riders.


To post or not to post?


As I go through my Facebook or Instagram feeds, I often come across posts which show that my contact had an amazing night or is having the worst day of their life. But whether it’s a picture at a party or a comment about home life, remember that whatever you put out there is there forever.

Listen, I get it; you’re having a bad day, your boyfriend just broke up with you, and you want others to empathize with your challenges. But as the great Andy Mineo says, “Face your problems, don’t Facebook it!”

Sometimes it feels easier to rant about something, knowing that your friends will agree and make you feel better (I do this all the time!) However, in the end, you’ll still have to face that person or deal with that situation.

When I go for a job interview, I’m often asked about my social media accounts. I thank my parents for making me think twice about the photos or comments I was posting. I may not have believed them at the time, but I know of countless people who lost an opportunity because of posts that made them look irresponsible.

Some poorly-discerned comments can even become evidence in a criminal case. I once saw this post: “Last night I drove home drunk like a dumbass and ran over a rabbit.” WHAT?!

One of my contacts regularly posted what time and where she would be going for runs. This can also be dangerous, making the user an easy target for s break-in or attack.

If we think twice about what we post, it becomes common sense to not post party pics, nudes, rants, private information, or relationship issues. No good can come out of it – and it’s probably out there forever.

I’ve recently been challenged by 1 Corinthians 10:23-33: “Do all to the glory of God.” What does it look like for my social media to be a reflection of my dedication to God? It doesn’t mean to only post bible verses or shove Christianity down people’s throats. I believe it goes hand-in-hand with the fruit of the Spirit, making your posts a reflection of “joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”

This conviction helps me think twice about what I’m posting. If it’s going to be there forever, I want it to inspire and be a reflection of my values. I try to ask myself, Is this something I would be ok with everybody seeing? Is it an accurate representation of who I am and want to be?


7 reasons students love CMU

Here’s what CMU students are saying about their school.

Reason #1: the community

“I love how CMU attracts all kinds of people, even if they aren’t students here. Marpeck Commons has been a great place for students from other universities to study, for CMU alumni to catch up, and for donors to enjoy treats from folio café. It’s cool seeing people hang out at our school with other CMU students even if they don’t personally study here.”– Alyssa Lord


Reason #2: the professors

“I love that throughout your CMU degree you are able to take classes with many of the same profs you learned from in your first year. Because of this continuation, I truly feel that my professors are invested in my education and in my personal learning as I grow as an individual. Their open door policies and help with research papers and test prep has been invaluable to my success as a student.” – Rachel Robertson


Reason #3: the support

“I like the community feeling inside CMU. You feel part of a group even if you don’t want to! There are always people willing to talk to you and support you. When you come to CMU, everyone is your brother or sister.”– Klejdia Hila


Reason #4: the library

“When the library is quiet in the mornings, and the sun is coming through the large windows, you feel like you can conquer any and every assignment.” – Joya Reynar


Reason #5: the classes

“The best thing about CMU is the atmosphere and people. You can talk to anyone and have a good conversation with them. It’s a place that is easy to make friends. Another thing that is great is the class sizes; they are small enough that you can have class conversation. That is great because you get to learn with your peers and not just listen to a prof lecture for the whole class.” – Mackenzie Hildebrand


Reason #6: the food

“I love how snack brings everyone together. Students that live in residence, commuters, old and new friends. Food is always a great way for people to get to know one another.” – Janelle Wride


Reason #7: the spiritual life

“At CMU you don’t make friends; you make a family. You feel like home when you are here, as people care about you. You experience God every day in some way. There is a positive atmosphere here. I always feel welcomed and my energy stays positive all the time. I haven’t experienced education like this anywhere before. If you want to have a second family, then join CMU.” – Kunal Aggarwal




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