I’d like to begin by saying that I hope you’re doing really well. I really do mean that. I hope you’re managing to stay afloat as the semester comes to an end. Papers, assignments, finals, and summer job applications are just some of the stresses that students face in March and April.
If you’re a graduating student like myself, I’m sure there’s some uncertainty about what happens next year. What school are you going to go to? What sort of a job are you going to work? Either way, I want you to know that if you’re feeling stressed, your feelings are valid. School can be hard. So keep on doing your best and know that you are not alone.

I am a graduating arts and science major, studying history and biology. Yes, those are very different subjects from each other, and yes, I love both of them. My time at CMU has been both meaningful and fulfilling.
In my history classes, I’ve had opportunities to explore the history of our earth and the people that live here. I’ve explored the history of many peoples, conflicts, successes, and failures. In my biology classes I’ve learned about the many mechanisms that allow life to exist. The complexity of structures that God has woven into creation leaves me in awe and wonder. I have enjoyed these classes.

I know I only have a bit of space to write about my experiences at CMU. I could go on and on about classes (and the stress of classes) and the joys of living on campus. I could talk about the time I wrote a ten-page paper in a single evening; that was fun. However, what I really want to say—and I know this is probably going to be a little cheesy—is thank you to the staff and faculty of CMU.
As I was trying to think of an experience to write about in this blog post, I kept coming back to how thankful I am for the staff and faculty. The students make up the highest population of community at CMU, but the staff and faculty work so hard to make this a place where great community can exist.
The professors are so approachable. Often times they care about my learning more than even I care about my learning! I also live on campus, and I have seen how difficult it can be to maintain some of our buildings. The maintenance staff are so great; they are absolute LEGENDS. So, I applaud the professors, student life staff, advisors, maintenance staff, kitchen staff, and everyone else who works tirelessly to make CMU such a wonderful place. Thank you.
Christopher Epp is graduating this year with a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in arts and science, with concentrations in biology and history.