Many Outtatowners that enter the program don’t fully know what they are getting themselves into. Although some people in my group had gathered more information than others, nobody can truly prepare you for a life changing experience. This is what Outtatown was for me, a life changing experience. I could say many things about how great my Outtatown experience was, like the community, the adventures, and of course the food, but I’ll stick with the most influential part of my experience and how it has shaped how I see the world today.
Tag: emilie roussis
Hey Friends!
My name is Emilie Roussis. I’m from Sarnia Ontario and I’m entering into my third year at CMU. Over these past few years, I have been involved with the social committee, CMU’s soccer team, leading a youth group in Grunthal, and working at a church through the summer. I am also a student ambassador.
I love dancing, meeting new people, travelling, and the season of fall. I learned that I am not an adrenaline junky through the Outtatown South Africa program, when I was given the opportunity to bungee jump, skydive, and shark dive. It was all very terrifying to me!
I have never been a person who thinks further past a week, so as of right now, I’m planning on graduating with a degree in Social Sciences with a major in Peace and Conflict Studies and a minor in Psychology.
This year, I’m looking forward to many of my courses, such as Social Cognition and Influence, and Counselling Techniques. I’m also looking forward to exploring Winnipeg and getting more involved in volunteer positions.