Do you find yourself stumped by citation styles? Bemused by biochemistry? Perplexed by philosophy?*
If so, PAL™ may be the solution for you!
CMU’s patented** Peer-Assisted Learning program is proven to help with academic adversity of all kinds, such as trouble with:
Mathematics, including statistics, calculus, and more!
Academic writing and research!
Tricky coursework in the arts, sciences, and everything in between!
The best part about PAL is that unlike most private tutoring, it’s 100% FREE for CMU students. But how, you say, can we offer such an amazing product for no cost whatsoever?

The answer, dear reader, is through the magic of volunteers. It’s true: Peer-Assisted Learning is run entirely by the goodwill of generous upper-year students willing to donate their time free of charge. You can learn from their experiences and advice to gain the upper hand in your classes, or run your essays through a high-quality editing treatment. Feel free to drop by the PAL desk in the Marpeck Mezzanine anytime during regular hours to meet with a knowledgeable peer!
Here’s what one happy student had to say:
“When I was in my first semester of my first year I thought, ‘Ha! I don’t need help at all!’ But then I took Intro Sociology and my grades simply plummeted! I went to visit PAL and it was the best decision I made all year.”
- Simon Mennos, CMU Student
Whether you’re having a hard time with assignments or you’d just like to study with someone who’s taken your class before, PAL is here to help! Regular hours are Monday to Thursday, 12:00 – 4:00, beginning September 21. Join the ever-increasing group of students who can testify to the miraculous benefits of Peer-Assisted Learning!***
* The author would keep alliterating all day, if you couldn’t tell.
** Patent pending, all rights reserved, use at your own risk.
*** No longer available in pill form. Contact PAL Coordinator at for more information.
Malcolm Reimer is a third year Science student and the Coordinator of the Peer-Assisted Learning program.